39 Sheep Street

We've moved!

We moved into our new premises at Unit 1, The Old Bakery, Sheep Street on 2nd April 2020. Bacon production will be increasing in the coming weeks.

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Our First Provenance Product Story

8th March 2019

We've just published our first Product Story using technology from Provenance. We'd love to know what you think of it?

Please get in touch and give us your opinion. There's a FREE pack of bacon for the most constructive feedback we get before the end of April 2019.

Click the "LOOK BEYOND THE LABEL" image.

Or follow this link: https://www.provenance.org/journeys/Lgj1DaAD

or scan the QR Code.

We'll be replacing our "on pack" QR Code with a Provenance QR code shortly, and want to make sure we give as much information as possible. We're into radical transparency and tell the story, exactly as it is. No Porkies, just Pork.

Curious Bacon

Featured in Delicatessen Magazine

4th March 2019

Our bacon is featured in the March edition of Delicatessen Magazine. A full 2 page spread. Read a little about the story behind our bacon, what the editors thought of the product and then buy some ;)

You can read the full article on-line here: Delicatessen Magazine - Curious Bacon Article There is a lot more in the magazine besides us, so please give it a good read. One for the coffee table here I think.

Please pop by the shop, say hello and read it here in hard copy form in a day or two with a cup of coffee...


We're working with provenance.org ...

19th February 2019

We're very pleased to annouce that we've recently started working with Provenance. Provenance are an innovative technology company which helps brands like us tell the best possible story about their products and values they stand for. We're using their technology to show our valued customers more information about us and our products. Every claim we make can be validated because of this, building trust in our brand.

Below you will find a number of links to the claims we make about ourselves. Over time more will appear as our suppliers and partners confirm that we work with them.

bacon pack